Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
Distributore BDCiechi

Sabato 18 maggio 2024

Frase del giorno: Abbiamo un destino? Che noia non saperlo! Che noia se lo si sapesse! (Jules Renard)
Santi del giorno: San Giovanni I P., San Felice di Spalato, San Felice da Cantalice, Santa Vincenza, Sant'Erik, San Venanzio di Camerino, Beata Bartolomea Carletti da Chivasso, Beata Blandina Merten, Beato Martino Giovanni Oprzadek

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Testo di assaggio

Evanovich Janet: Opere in lingua inglese\Stephanie Plum 11 - Eleven on Top
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Janet Evanovich - Sp11 - Eleven On Top


My name is Stephanie Plum. When I was eighteen I got a job working a hot dog stand on the boardwalk on the Jersey shore. I worked the last shift at Dave's Dogs, and I was supposed to start shutting down a half hour before closing so I could clean up for the day crew. We did chili dogs, cheese dogs, kraut dogs, and bean-topped barking dogs. We grilled them on a big grill with rotating rods. Round and round the rods went all day long, turning the dogs.
...And I hadn't a clue how to choose between them. One wanted to marry me, sometimes. His name was Joe Morelli and he was a Trenton cop. Ranger was the other guy, and I wasn't sure what he wanted to do with me beyond get me naked and put a smile on my face.

Plus, there was the note that got slipped under my door two days ago. I'm back. What the heck did that mean? And the follow-up note tacked to my windshield.



My life is too weird. It's time for a change.
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Curatore della Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi: Carmelo Ottobrino
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