Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
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Sabato 18 maggio 2024

Frase del giorno: Abbiamo un destino? Che noia non saperlo! Che noia se lo si sapesse! (Jules Renard)
Santi del giorno: San Giovanni I P., San Felice di Spalato, San Felice da Cantalice, Santa Vincenza, Sant'Erik, San Venanzio di Camerino, Beata Bartolomea Carletti da Chivasso, Beata Blandina Merten, Beato Martino Giovanni Oprzadek

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Testo di assaggio

Barry Dave: Big Trouble. (in lingua inglese)
Grandezza del file: 365 kb
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Dave Barry

Titolo della versione italiana:
Big Trouble


Puggy had held down his job at the Jolly Jackal Bar and Grill, which did not have a grill, for almost three weeks. For Puggy, this was a personal employment record. In fact, after a career as a semiprofessional vagrant, he was seriously thinking about settling in Miami, putting down roots, maybe even finding an indoor place to sleep. Although he really liked his tree.

Puggy liked everything about Miami. He lik
...rancid with stale beer. The TV was tuned to motorcycle racing. There were names scrawled on the walls, and crude drawings of genitalia. Puggy felt right at home.

He sat at the bar, which was empty except for a bearded man at the far end, talking to the bartender in a language that wasn't English, but it didn't sound to Puggy like Spanish, either. The bartender, a thick man with a thick face, looked at Puggy, but didn't come over.

"I'll take a Budweiser," Puggy said.

"You have money?
[Fine del testo di assaggio]

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Curatore della Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi: Carmelo Ottobrino
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