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Frase del giorno: Il vino dell’amicizia, quando è genuino, dà alla testa (Jules Renard)
Santi del giorno: Beata Vergine Maria di Loreto, Sant'Eulalia, San Cesare di Durazzo, San Melchiade P., Sant'EDibio di Soissons, San Mauro di Roma, Santi Edmondo Gennings e Swithun Wells, Santi Polidoro Plasden ed Eustazio White, San Tommaso di Farfa, San Luca Di Melicuccà, Beato Arsenio da Trigolo, Beati Brian Lacy, Giovanni Mason e Sydney Hodgson, Beato Marcantonio Durando

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Testo di assaggio

Paulos John Allen: Innumeracy, Mathematic Illiteracy and its consequences. (In lingua inglese)
Grandezza del file: 265 kb
Informazioni sull'autore
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John Allen Paulos
Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences

John Allen Paulos is Professor of Mathematics and Presidential Scholar at Temple University in Philadelphia. He is the
author, in addition to Innumeracy, of Beyond Numeracy:
Ruminations of a Number Man, A Mathematician Reads the
Newspaper and Once Upon a Number, all of which are published by Penguin. He has also published many scholarly
papers on logic, probability and the philosophy of science.
Paulos has appeared on many television and radio shows,
...Because the book is largely concerned with various inadequacies - a lack of numerical perspective, an exaggerated
appreciation for meaningless coincidence, a credulous acceptance of pseudosciences, an inability to recognize social trade-offs,
and so on - much of the writing has a debunking flavor to it.
Nevertheless, I hope I’ve avoided the overly earnest and scolding
tone common to many such endeavors.
[Fine del testo di assaggio]

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