Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
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Venerdì 19 aprile 2024

Frase del giorno: Non sollevare il velo dipinto che quelli che vivono chiamano vita (Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Santi del giorno: Sant'Emma di Sassonia, San Leone IX, Santa Marta di Persia, San Varnerio (Werner) di Oberwesel, Santi Espedito ed Ermogene di Melitene, San Giorgio d'Antiochia, Sant'Ulrico di Losanna, Beata Gaetana (Nuccia) Tolomeo, Beato Corrado (Miliani) di Ascoli, Beato Giacomo Duckett

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Testo di assaggio

O'Brien Edna: Opere in lingua inglese\August Is a Wicked Month
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August is a Wicked Month

Edna O’Brien

for Stanley Mann

Chapters One to Seventeen.

He has his winter too of pale misfeature,
Or else he would forgo his mortal nature.

Chapter One

THE WEATHER BUREAU FORECAST sun. It was not mistaken. All day for five days it sizzled in the heavens and down below the city of London simmered. People who had hoped for summer wished now for a breeze and a little respite. Only at night did Ellen feel cool. Watering the garden an
...he invented George. They’d got over the worst part; the acrimony when she first left and when he posted broken combs, half-used compacts and old powder puffs in his campaign to clear out her remains. They’d got over that and settled down to a sort of sullen peace, but they talked now as she always feared they might, like strangers who had never been in love at all.

‘He’s calling us,’ she said, relieved to escape. The child was saying, ‘Mama, Dada, Dada, Mama,’ in a shrill and happy way.
[Fine del testo di assaggio]

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