Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
Distributore BDCiechi

Sabato 20 aprile 2024

Frase del giorno: Per quanto valga un uomo, non avrà mai un valore più alto di quello di essere uomo (Antonio Machado)
Santi del giorno: Sant'Agnese da Montepulciano, Sant'Adalgisa, Santa Sara di Antiochia, Sant'Eugenio, Sant'Ugo d'Anzy-Le-Duc, San Teodoro Trichinas, San Marcellino d'Embrun, Sant'Anastasio di Antiochia, Beata Odetta, Beato Simone da Todi, Beata Leonarda da Bologna, Beata Chiara Bosatta, Beato Domenico Vernagalli

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Testo di assaggio

Badiou Alain: Wittgenstein's Antiphilosophy. (In lingua inglese)
Grandezza del file: 264 kb
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(titolo della versione italiana:
L'antifilosofia di Wittgenstein)

Translated and with an Introduction
by Bruno Bosteels

ISBN-13: 978- 1-84467-694- 1

Translator's Introduction

In an earlier version of the first of the two essays that make up this short book, Alain Badiou sets the scene and tone of his analysis of LudwigWittgenstein's antiphiloso phy by borrowing a brief anecdote from Jacques-Alain Miller, the son-in-law and official editor of another great modern antiphilosopher, Jacques Lacan:
...In the first place, we should consider the fact that the role of the analyst within clin ical practice to some extent always involves a conscious act of self-divestiture. Instead of clinging self-indulgently to the authority of the subject who is supposed to know, an authority conferred by the analysand as a result of the transferential process, the analyst must allow him or herself to become a little piece of waste
3 Alain Badiou, Manifestofor Philosophy, trans. Norman Madarasz (Alban y:
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