Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
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Frase del giorno: A volte non ottenere ciò che vogliamo è solo un colpo di fortuna (Anonimo)
Santi del giorno: San Celestino I, San Mauro, Santa Liliana, Santa Natalia di Cordova, San Pantaleone, Sant'Ugo di Lincoln, Sant'Arnaldo di Lione, San Raimondo Zanfogni, detto Palmerio, San Bertoldo di Garsten, Beata Maria Maddalena Martinengo, Beata Lucia Bufalari di Amelia, Beato Giacomo Papocchi da Montieri, Beata Maria Grazia Tarallo

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Testo di assaggio

Schlink Bernhard: The Reader. (In lingua inglese)
Grandezza del file: 237 kb
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The Reader
TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN BY CAROL BROWN JANEWAY A PHOENIX PAPERBACK First published in Great Britain in 1997 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson

Part One
WHEN I WAS FIFTEEN, I GOT HEPAtitis. It started in the autumn and lasted until spring. As the old year darkened and turned colder, I got weaker and weaker. Things didn’t start to improve until the new year. January was warm, and my mother moved my bed out onto the balcony. I saw sky, sun, clouds, and heard
...led up to the first floor and the stairwell; they were wide at the bottom, narrower above, set between walls topped with iron banisters and curving outwards at street level. The front door was flanked by pillars, and from the corners of the architrave one lion looked up Bahnhofstrasse while another looked down. The entrance through which the woman had led me to the tap in the courtyard was at the side.
I had been aware of this building since I was a little boy. It dominated the whole row.
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