Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
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Mercoledì 15 maggio 2024

Frase del giorno: Odio le cattive massime più ancora che le cattive azioni (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Santi del giorno: Madonna di Montenero (Livorno), Sant'Isidoro l'agricoltore, Sant'Achille il taumaturgo, San Simplicio di Fausania, San Benvenuto, Santi Bohtiso, Isacco e Simeone, San Donnino di Piacenza, San Severino di Settempeda (, Santi Cassio e Vittorino, Santa Cesarea di Otranto, Sant'Ellero (Ilaro) di Galeata, San Ruperto di Bingen, San Dimitriano di Verona, Beato Girolamo da Mondovì, Beato Bernardino da Bibbiena, Beati Diego da Valdieri e Clemente da Bressanone, Beata Elisabetta Róza Czacka

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Testo di assaggio

Ghosh Amitav: Opere in lingua inglese\01 Sea of Poppies
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Amitav Ghosh
Sea of Poppies

Amitav Ghosh was born in Calcutta and grew up in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India. He studied at the universities of Delhi and Oxford, has taught at a number of institutions and written for many magazines. The other novels in the Ibis trilogy are River of Smoke and Flood of Fire. In 2015, Amitav Ghosh was named as a finalist of the Man Booker International Prize.

Praise for Sea of Poppies
A tremendous novel, and if Amitav Ghosh can sustain its brilliance in the
...achar he would eat at midday. Once his meal had been wrapped and packed, she broke off to pay a quick visit to her shrine room: later, after sheÆd bathed and changed, Deeti would do a proper puja, with flowers and offerings; now, being clothed still in her night-time sari, she merely stopped at the door, to join her hands in a brief genuflection.
Soon a squeaking wheel announced the arrival of the oxcart that would take Hukam Singh to the factory where he worked, in Ghazipur, three miles away.
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Curatore della Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi: Carmelo Ottobrino
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