Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
Distributore BDCiechi

Lunedì 6 maggio 2024

Frase del giorno: La corona della vittoria non si promette se non a coloro che combattono (Sant'Agostìno)
Santi del giorno: San Pietro Nolasco, San Lucio di Cirene, Santa Giuditta di Prussia, Santa Benedetta di Roma, San Venerio di Milano, Sant' Edberto di Lindisfarne, San Francesco De Montmorency-Laval, Santi Mariano e Giacomo di Lambesa, Beata Maria Caterina Troiani, Beati Enrico Kaczorowski e Casimiro Gostynski, Beati Edoardo Jones e Antonio Middleton, Beata Anna Rosa Gattorno

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Testo di assaggio

Balogh Mary: Opere in lingua inglese\Indiscreet
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Indiscreetby Mary Balogh

[Titolo dell'edizione in italiano: Indiscreto.]


ONE SURE SIGN of the coming of spring was the return of the Honorable Mr. Claude Adams and his wife to Bodley House, their country home in Derbyshire.

There were other signs, of course. There were snowdrops and primroses and even a few crocuses in the woods and along the hedgerows beside the road, and there were a few shoots of green in otherwise bare gardens. There was a suggestion of green about the branch
...Anticipation ran high in the village. No one knew the exact hour or day of the arrival, but everyone was on the alert. There was bound to be more than one carriage for the family and visitors and a whole fleet of carriages to bring their belongings and their servants. It was a sight not to be missed. Fortunately there was no way for them to come fromKentexcept through the village. One just had to hope that they would not arrive after dark.
[Fine del testo di assaggio]

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Curatore della Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi: Carmelo Ottobrino
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