Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
Distributore BDCiechi

Lunedì 6 maggio 2024

Frase del giorno: La corona della vittoria non si promette se non a coloro che combattono (Sant'Agostìno)
Santi del giorno: San Pietro Nolasco, San Lucio di Cirene, Santa Giuditta di Prussia, Santa Benedetta di Roma, San Venerio di Milano, Sant' Edberto di Lindisfarne, San Francesco De Montmorency-Laval, Santi Mariano e Giacomo di Lambesa, Beata Maria Caterina Troiani, Beati Enrico Kaczorowski e Casimiro Gostynski, Beati Edoardo Jones e Antonio Middleton, Beata Anna Rosa Gattorno

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Testo di assaggio

Aveni Anthony F: Opere in lingua inglese\Book of the Year, a brief history of our seasonal holidays
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Anthony F. Aveni
Book of the Year:
A Brief History of Our Seasonal Holidays

What is the connection between May Day and the Statue of Liberty? Between ancient solstice fires and Fourth of July fireworks? Between St. Valentine, the Groundhog, and the Virgin Mary? Why do people behave so bawdily during Mardi Gras? How has the significance and celebration of Christmas changed over the centuries?
In The Book of the Year, Anthony Aveni offers fascinating answers to
...on the walls of their caves when it came time to hunt? They donned the mask of the animal to impersonate its spirit. Then they ceremonially “killed it” because they believed rehearsal would lead to the act itself. Once our forebears became sedentary, the appropriate holy rites got fixed in the yearly cycle: rainmaking rites, irrigation rites, sowing, plowing, and reaping festivals. All were aimed at controlling the powers related to vegetation at crucial joints in the framework of the seasons.
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