Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
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Sabato 18 maggio 2024

Frase del giorno: Abbiamo un destino? Che noia non saperlo! Che noia se lo si sapesse! (Jules Renard)
Santi del giorno: San Giovanni I P., San Felice di Spalato, San Felice da Cantalice, Santa Vincenza, Sant'Erik, San Venanzio di Camerino, Beata Bartolomea Carletti da Chivasso, Beata Blandina Merten, Beato Martino Giovanni Oprzadek

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Testo di assaggio

McCall Smith Alexander: Opere in lingua inglese\The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency 04 - The Kalahari Typing School for Men
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Alexander McCall Smith

The Kalahari Typing School for Men

(titolo della versione italiana:

Alexander McCall Smith was born in Zimbabwe and educated there and in Scotland. He is Professor of Medical Law at the University of Edinburgh and is a member of a number of national and international bodies concerned with bioethics. His books include works on medical law, criminal law and philosophy, as well as numerous books for children, collections of short stories, and
...had woken, slumped back in her chair, to see him staring at her with his slightly rheumy eyes, still talking in his low voice about some difficulty he was having with one of the machines at his factory.
‘Corrugated iron is not easy to handle,’ he was saying. ‘You need very special machines to push the iron into that shape. Do you know that, Mma Ramotswe? Do you know why corrugated iron is the shape it is?’
Mma Ramotswe had not thought about this. Corrugated iron was widely used for roofing:
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