Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
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Martedì 7 maggio 2024

Frase del giorno: Dalla culla e non dalla scuola deriva l’eccellenza di qualunque ingegno (Pietro Aretino)
Santi del giorno: Santa Flavia Domitilla, Santi Agostino, Augusto e Flavio (Fulvio) di Nicomedia, Santa Rosa Venerini, San Fulvio, san Domiziano di Huy, Sant'Antonio Pecierskij, Sant'Agostino Roscelli, San Placido di Autun, San Cinereo di Spoleto, San Giovanni di Beverley, Beato Alberto da Bergamo, Beato Francesco Paleari, Beata Gisella d'Ungheria

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Gies Frances - Gies Joseph: Opere in lingua inglese\Life in a Medieval City
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Life in a Medieval City

Joseph and Frances Gies

Jane Sturman Gies
Frances Gibson Carney

Nos ignoremus quid sit matura senectus,
scire aevi meritum, non numerare decet.





1. Troyes: 1250

2. A Burgher’s Home

3. A Medieval Housewife

4. Childbirth and Children

5. Weddings and Funerals

6. Small Business

7. Big Business

8. The Doctor

9. The Church

10. The Cathedral

11. School and Scholars

12. Books and Authors establish himself was in a Roman administrative center, usually a former legionary camp. The new clerical establishments required the services of a secular population of farmers and craftsmen. A new word described these episcopal towns—cité (city)—a derivation of the Latin civitas that usually took on the meaning of a populated place inside walls.

As the power of the Roman Empire faltered, local Roman officials lost their authority, creating a vacuum that was filled by Christian bishops.
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