Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi
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Appena ti guardo più non mi riesce di parlare, la lingua s’inceppa, subito un fuoco sottile corre sotto la pelle (Saffo) |
Santi del giorno: |
Santa Giuliana di Nicomedia, Santi Elia, Geremia, Isaia, Samuele e Daniele martiri, San Simeone di Metz, Beato Giuseppe Allamano, Beata Filippa Mareri, Beato Mariano Arciero |
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Testo di assaggio
Finkelstein Norman Gary: Opere in lingua inglese\This time we went too far
Grandezza del file: 350 kb
Informazioni sull'autore
Approfondimenti sull'opera
Truth and Consequences
of the Gaza Invasion
Norman G. Finkelstein
First published by OR Books, New York, 2010
Copyright Norman G. Finkelstein
Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-9842950-3-6
Ebook ISBN: 978-0-9842950-4-3
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
A CIP Record is available for this book from the Library of Congress
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A CIP Record is available for this book from the British Library
...con?ict that all of enlightened opinion has embraced—but that Israel and the United States, standing in virtual isolation, have rejected. It is my hope that this book will help meet this challenge and, ultimately, enable everyone, Palestinian and Israeli, to live a digni?ed life.
What do you feel is the most acceptable
solution to the Palestine problem?
Mahatma Gandhi:
The abandonment wholly by the Jews
of terrorism and other forms of violence.
[Fine del testo di assaggio]
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Curatore della Biblioteca Digitale per i Ciechi: Carmelo Ottobrino
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